Echoes of The Past Season 1, Episode 7: The Price - Unveiling the Cost of Silence and Betrayal

In the seventh episode of "Echoes of the Past," the intricate web of deceit and silence begins to unravel, revealing the true cost of the characters' actions and the secrets they have kept buried. The episode opens with a flashback to a pivotal moment when Yassin and Sawsan confront Nadia about having an abortion. Nadia, in a desperate attempt to protect herself, reveals Sawsan's affair, prompting Yassin to warn her to stay out of their business. Alone, Yassin expresses his surprise, while Sawsan confronts him for pretending that their love had ended long ago. Yassin, tired of her control, demands that she end her affair, asserting his dominance in the relationship.

In the present, Yehia is devastated as he witnesses Fatla being taken away. Khaled, spying on Mona in the lobby, texts her a warning not to mention Yehia to the police. Layla and Ali arrive, rushing to Mona's side, and Khaled recognizes Layla from the desert party. Yehia confronts Maldini, who agrees to help avenge Fatla. They devise a plan, with Maldini dressing up like Yehia to lure Khaled to the parking lot. Khaled stabs Maldini, giving Yehia the opportunity to shoot him and push him off the building. Khaled falls on the fence below and dies. Yehia rushes to the dying Maldini, who is glad he can finally meet Fatla with his head held high. Yassin, unaware of the situation, keeps calling Khaled for an update, and Yehia picks up the phone, declaring that he is coming for him.

Yehia returns home to find Layla waiting for him. He urges her to leave, fearing that everyone around him is in danger. Layla, however, is determined to understand how Yehia tracked Mona and realizes that he followed her to the hotel. Yehia claims he had no choice, and an upset Layla leaves.

Ali stays by Mona's side as the police question her. They know that Khaled's last call was to Yassin and that Fatla and Maldini knew each other. Mona simply tells them to talk to Yassin. Outside, she finds him waiting and assures him she stayed quiet. However, she knows he killed Nadia, and Yassin looks surprised.

The police question Yassin, who claims he wanted to hire Khaled for his factory. The police do not suspect him yet but tell him to stay in the country. However, Yassin faces a bigger problem as he confronts Sawsan, furious that she ruined his relationship with Mona and threatens to reveal the truth—that Sawsan is the killer.

Mona calls Yehia to a theater, where they recall their movie date, and she sadly reveals that he was her first love. She explains that her father ruined everything and should be held responsible. A flashback shows Mona trying to stop Nadia from diving because of the pregnancy. Frustrated with her parents, Nadia lashes out at Mona and tells her to stop controlling her. She reveals Sawsan's affair, and Mona calls her a liar. That's the fight Sherif recorded.

Right before the dive, a restless Mona asks Yehia how long they will be gone. She decides to use the time to take the boat back to the beach house and confront Sawsan about the affair. Once she learns Nadia is dead, she feels guilty for taking the boat away and is unable to sleep all night. That's when she sees Yassin burying her blade in the garden. She takes it and confronts Sawsan about Yassin being the killer. Sawsan tells her to stay quiet as their family is in the middle of a tragedy. Mona, along with Sherif, tried to stop Yehia from falsely confessing to the police.

In the present, Yehia cannot accept her apology, and Mona sadly accepts that she is in the wrong for staying quiet and running away. She heads home and finds Layla, who has learned from Ali about her past relationship with Yehia. Layla is jealous, and Mona is stunned as she points out that she and Ali almost died because of Yehia and Layla. She reveals she has told Yehia the truth as he has the right to know, and Layla is afraid for Yassin. Mona calls her out for protecting a killer who never cared for his family.

Sawsan arrives and tells the kids that Yassin is a danger to them all. She claims she didn't speak up 15 years ago as Ali had been arrested and Layla was sick. But now is the time to take Yassin down. Sawsan and Ali stage a coup and bring the shareholders to their side. The board agrees that Ali will lead the company, and Yassin needs to step down. Yassin is hurt to learn Layla sided with Sawsan and is further surprised as Ali has a photo of him with Khaled, threatening to go to the police.

The episode concludes with Yassin trying to leave, and Sawsan approaches him alone, gloating that no one will believe him now if he reveals the truth that she killed Nadia. Yassin refuses to back down and leaves after getting a call from Layla. Yehia follows his car, setting the stage for further confrontations and revelations in the ongoing saga of "Echoes of the Past."

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