Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Season 1, Episode 2: Way, Way Out Past The Barrier - Lost in the Stars

In the far reaches of the galaxy, a group of young adventurers finds themselves in a situation more fantastical than any they could have imagined. "Way, Way Out Past The Barrier," the second episode of Disney+'s Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, takes us on a thrilling journey through the seedy underbelly of the Star Wars universe, where pirates rule and legends come to life.

The episode opens with the young cast—Wim (Ravi Cabot-Conyers), Fern, Neel (Robert Timothy Smith), and KB—staring down the barrel of a starship's gallows as they emerge from hyperspace. The dry heat and desert of Tatooine are replaced by the cold, metallic interior of a pirate vessel, a stark contrast that sets the tone for the rest of the episode.

As the smoke clears, an ominous figure emerges, climbing up from the ship's bowels. It's SM-33, voiced by the talented Nick Frost, who brings a Cockney accent and a sense of humor to the droid character. SM-33 is initially set to arrest the stowaways, but Fern convinces him that she is the captain, a clever move that buys the children some time.

The dynamic between the children and SM-33 is both comedic and tense. When Wim complains about wanting to be the captain, SM-33 declares it a battle to the death, only to then give the crew a crash course in starship operation. The humor is palpable, but the stakes are clear: they are lost in space, and SM-33 is their only hope of finding a way back to their home planet, "At Adin."

The journey to the nearby Starport, a notorious pirate haven, is fraught with danger. The children are approached by a woman who warns them of the perils of the port, highlighting the fact that they are children in a world of cutthroat pirates. The scene is a stark reminder of the innocence these children possess, a stark contrast to the hardened criminals they now find themselves among.

The revelation that "At Adin" is considered a myth, a lost planet of eternal treasure, adds a layer of mystery to the children's origins. The pristine credits they use to pay for food only serve to confirm the pirates' suspicions, leading to a confrontation where SM-33 must defend the children from thieves.

The action sequences are well-executed, with SM-33 fighting off pirates in a display of droid prowess. However, the near-destruction of SM-33 by a Shistavanen's blaster is a harrowing moment, one that sees the children imprisoned and seemingly out of options.

The episode concludes with the introduction of Jod Na Nawood, played by Jude Law. Nawood is a charismatic figure, a pirate with considerable charm and skills, who offers to help the children. His use of the "Force" to retrieve a key from across the cell is a moment that leaves the children, and the audience, in awe.

Nawood's reveal as a potential Jedi is a pivotal moment, one that teases the deeper lore of the Star Wars universe. His question, "Can you keep a secret?" is a nod to the secrecy often surrounding the Jedi and their ways, a theme that has resonated throughout the franchise.

"Way, Way Out Past The Barrier" is a masterful blend of action, humor, and mystery. It deepens the narrative of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew while introducing new characters and plotlines that are sure to captivate audiences. The episode leaves us with more questions than answers, a testament to its storytelling prowess and a promise of more thrilling adventures to come.

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