Laid (2024) Season 1, Episode 5: Secret Soft - Rubys Complex Relationships and Therapeutic Journey

In the fifth episode of "Laid" (2024), titled "Secret Soft," Ruby Yao (Stephanie Hsu) continues to grapple with the mysterious deaths of her ex-lovers while also navigating her personal relationships and emotional challenges. The episode begins with Ruby and AJ (Zosia Mamet) debating why the curse skipped Richie (Michael Angarano). After considering several theories, Ruby is interrupted by Zack Bridgerton (Andre Hyland), who is excited about his new virtual reality goggles. AJ, however, is less concerned and reveals that she must go to work, leaving Ruby to continue her mission.

Ruby is on her way to warn Caleb (Amro Majzoub) when she runs into Richie, who is curious about why he was skipped by the curse. After some friendly banter, Ruby asks Richie to accompany her to warn Caleb. They end up in line at the bank, where Ruby receives a text from Isaac (Tommy Martinez) that puts a smile on her face. Richie quickly learns about Isaac and refers to him as a "secret soft," a term he uses to describe someone who tries to appear more fit than they actually are. Ruby is initially offended but reminds Richie that Isaac's body is off-limits due to the curse.

Outside the bank, Ruby receives a text from her therapist, Debra (Elizabeth Bown), informing her that she is running late for their session. Ruby borrows Richie's motorcycle to get to Debra's office, where they discuss Ruby's tendency to pursue unavailable men, which Debra attributes to Ruby's father abandoning her after her mother's death. Debra suggests that Ruby take a break from romance for a week, focusing on other aspects of her life.

Meanwhile, Zack is at home playing with his new virtual reality headset when he accidentally uncovers Ruby's board. Ruby, at work, ignores his calls, focusing on her professional responsibilities. During a rehearsal for a reading of the vows, Ruby is forced to step in for Merci (Olivia Holt), who is unavailable. The rehearsal is awkward, and Ruby realizes she forgot to time the event. Isaac excuses himself, and Ruby takes the opportunity to answer Zack's call, which leads to further complications.

Ruby is then summoned to the police station, where she is treated as a suspect rather than a victim. Detective Brenowitz (David Denman) interrogates her, but the session is interrupted by news of a shooting at a downtown bank. Ruby recognizes the bank and the victim, but Brenowitz remains suspicious. Back at home, Zack continues to experiment with his VR headset, eventually sharing his story with two streamers. His story gains traction, and by the end of the stream, he has nearly 1200 followers, including Merci.

Ruby leaves the police station and is approached by Isaac, who has heard everything Merci heard from Zack's stream. Isaac believes Merci is making up the story because he had confessed his feelings for Ruby earlier. Ruby doesn't correct him, and they share a brief moment of intimacy before Ruby stops him, explaining that she doesn't want to risk hurting him. The episode concludes with Ruby rushing to Richie's apartment to have sex with him, a decision that leads to further conflict when she returns home and is confronted by AJ for sleeping with Zack.

"Secret Soft" is a multifaceted episode that explores Ruby's emotional journey as she navigates her past relationships, present challenges, and future possibilities. It highlights the complexities of her interactions with her ex-lovers, friends, and potential romantic interests, while also delving into her personal growth and self-discovery. As viewers, we are left eager to see how Ruby will continue to unravel the mystery of the curse and how she will navigate her relationships moving forward.

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